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      My New Norm

Adventures in Healing 
with Tammy Battista

Journey into spiritual vibrational healing 

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"Deep inside, your heart knows what you require to heal.  It is the seat of your consciousness.  It knows exactly what you were put on this planet to do.  Crack it wide open!  Let the divine light in to help shine light on your true path. Remove the fears blocking you.  Then there will be no stopping you!"  Tammy Battista from My New Norm  

  Healing Services  

Sound & Intuitive Energy Healing

Tammy Battista: Reiki Master Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner 

When we heal ourselves, we heal our families, our communities and our world. The mission of My New Norm is to help promote inner healing one heart at a time.  The focus becomes on removing blocks in your energy field that prevent you from living in your truth. Through your own personal spiritual process, you may be guided to ascend through challenges of grief, addictions, relationships and anxiety.  I'll offer personal tools to empower you in your life journey.

All About the Vibes

Many of the tools utilized have to do with raising your vibration. Everything is made of energy.  Just ask Tesla, Einstein, and my son, Sam :). Stress, grief and trauma create issues in our energy field that cause anxiety, illnesses, and fears:  all blocks to healing and ideal health.  These negative emotions prevent us from living the way we were meant to.  

It is my passion to help you realize your true passion and start living that fearless life of exhilaration.  Until you find yourself saying out loud, "I'd do this for free!" you may not be doing what you were always meant to do.



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"Sound will be the medicine of the future"

Edgar Cayce

Everything is energy-including you! Sound and energy healing have the potential to reset your mental, emotional and physical bodies. 


"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

~ Nikola Tesla

Group sound "baths" have the added benefit of joining a communion of souls with a common purpose of healing and raising one's vibration. The additional energy in the room can accelerate release and amplify healing.


"Intuition is the truest form of intelligence."

~Albert Einstein

A clear channel gets out of their own way (ego) and receives guidance or messages from spirit through such things as visions, auditory messages, oracle card or divination. 


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